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Winner Week 9 KSU Football Pick'Em

Posted: October 30th, 2023, 7:21 am
by Willie78
Good morning everyone!!! Well Week 9 is in the books and what a week it was!!! Who would have thought that KU would upend OU, well one of us picked them!!! Nice job WildcatEngineer. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Now down to the business at hand. We had one person atop the standings with a record of 12-3, Congratulations goes too, BamaCat :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Here is how the week turned out;
Name W L
BamaCat 12 3
bhoovy 11 4
ksudenny 10 5
WildcatEngineer 10 5
Willie78 10 5
912ksufan 9 6
DeereCatFan 9 6
Jax 9 6
purpledolphincat 9 6
BornWildcat 8 7
catbacker83 8 7
NECatFan 8 7
tmcats 8 7
Watutalkaboutwillis 8 7
PurpleOnWhite 7 8
PurpleWildcat 7 8
02Cat 0 0
danvet82 0 0
KSUBetcha 0 0
katlander 0 0
ksualum01 0 0
spot2180 0 0

Here are the standings as of the Week 9;
Name W L
NECatFan 96 39
Willie78 96 39
tmcats 95 40
DeereCatFan 94 41
912ksufan 92 43
purpledilphincat 92 43
Watutalkaboutwillis 92 43
bhoovy 90 45
Jax 90 45
PurpleOnWhite 90 45
ksudenny 89 46
WildcatEngineer 89 46
katlander 86 34
BornWildcat 88 47
catbacker83 81 54
BamaCat 72 48
PurpleWildcat 71 49
ksualum01 61 29
danvet82 36 9
spot2180 19 11
02Cat 18 12
Snyder 11 4
KSUBetcha 10 5

I will have Week 10 posted in a few minutes.